System Engineering and Development - Course / Workshop Descriptions...

Wasson Strategics, LLC provides a diversity of System Engineering, Technical Project Management, and Organizational Development professional training and technical support services. We offer public and private client-based courses, tutorials, and workshops at three levels:

Level 1 Courses / Workshops -
FUNDAMENTALS of System Engineering and Development

Our fundamentals of SE course is intended for executives, engineers, project managers, et al who require a strong foundation in system development. Current Level 1 courses / workshops include:

  • Course 100 Fundamentals of System Engineering and Development

  • Course 101 SE Foundations for MBSE Success – Overcoming Common Problems in Today’s Ad Hoc System Implementations

Level 2 Courses / Workshops -
INTERMEDIATE System Engineering and Development

Our Level 2 courses and workshops enable SE and PM professionals who understand the Level 1 Fundamentals of SE and Development and require focused concentration in topical areas. Current Current Level 2 courses / workshops include:


  • Course 201 Chartering and Implementing Multi-Discipline, Integrated Product Teams (IPTs)

  • Course 202 Developing Effective System Design, Integration, and Test Strategies and Plans

  • Course 203 Developing Effective Multi-Level Specifications and Requirements Traceable to User Needs

  • Course 204 Interface Definition and Control

  • Course 205 System Integration, Test, & Evaluation (SITE); Verification & Validation (V&V)

  • Course 206 System Architecting


Level 3 Courses / Workshops -
ADVANCED SE Leadership and Development

Our SE Leadership and Development course focuses on training Engineers, Managers, and Project Managers with Level 2 knowledge and skills to “feel the pulse” of the organization and identify potential problems or issues despite “doing all the right process activities.” Level 3 courses educate and train professionals in how to tailor and scale SE and Development activities to maintain the integrity of the technical design solution while streamlining processes to focus only on value-added activities. Level 3 courses / workshops include:

  • Course 300 Project / System Engineering and Development Synthesis and Leadership

Delivery Formats

WSL instructional courses, are typically delivered in public venues and include case studies and practical examples representative of real-world problems.

WSL workshops, which are delivered both publicly and to private clients, focus on the strategic formulation, development, and review of general work products such as technical plans, specifications, architectures, trade studies and analyses, et,. For private clients, two-way Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are established to enable participants to work on their organizational / programmatic work products in an instructional learning environment.

Delivery Deployment

Course / Workshop instruction can be delivered on-site or at a local facility such as a hotel to meet organizational needs while minimizing disruptions to projects:

Examples include:

  • Delivery as a multi-day course / workshop

  • One day or half-day of instruction per week over several weeks

Contact us today to learn how you and your organization can join the list of professionals and clients who have benefited from our training courses / workshops and consulting services!